Louise Tobin, IPPN President


Louise has been principal of St. Joseph’s Primary School in Tipperary Town since 2009. She previously worked for a year with School Development Planning as a facilitator, and for a further year with the Primary Development Service for Teachers as an advisor, during which time she completed post-graduate studies in School Planning. Louise worked in Grange NS, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary for 20 years, and was Acting Principal there for two years. She has experience as both teaching and administrative principalship.

Louise was one of the Tipperary representatives on the IPPN National Council from 2017 and subsequently served on the Board of Directors for five years. Louise has been a very strong advocate for schools in areas of disadvantage, seeking extra resources under the DEIS scheme. Louise is on the DE DEIS Advisory Group and acknowledges the growing need for resourcing for all disadvantaged pupils, whether in DEIS or non-DEIS schools. An IPPN DEIS Focus group has been set up to feed into Louise’s work and contributions to the DEIS Advisory.

Other areas of interest for Louise in her Presidency are:

  • The on-going development of the Local Support Group Project
  • Membership engagement to include school visits and personal contact with school leaders
  • Developing leadership capacity in IPPN through attendance at various engagements
  • Supporting school leaders implement Climate Action in their schools in conjunction with the ESCI sub-committee on Climate Action and members of ISSN
  • Wellbeing in Action. Wellbeing now features as part of every National Council meeting. Louise is Chair of IPPN National Council
  • Promoting Positivity for Principals is very important to Louise and is the focus of the work of the IPPN sub-committee on Issues and Practical Advice for School leaders set up by Louise in 2021. St. Josephs Primary also developed a Growth Mindset Initiative to be shared across the system as part of the Schools Excellence Fund DEIS and Louise promotes the benefits of this positivity programme for pupils, staff and the whole school community.
  • Louise has a particular interest in organisations supporting children’s needs, including Barnardos and the Children’s Rights Alliance.

Louise was elected IPPN Deputy President/President-elect in June 2021 and serves as president from September 2023 to August 2025.


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