Member Supports & Services

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 Supports and Services available to all our members 



E-mail updates sent regularly to inform you of current issues within education and providing professional guidance from FAQs on circular releases to announcements about IPPN events and services.


Mailing Lists

IPPN’s mailing lists are one of the most informative and immediate supports available to you in your role as school leader, to answer queries encountered on a daily basis. There is no question too great or small that will not be answered by colleagues, who may have dealt with a similar situation in the past. They are closed mailing lists. This means that the content of the emails are intended for the Principal, Deputy Principal – IPPN members. - Our networking mailing lists facilitates a peer-support community via email.  Everyone in this community receives a copy of any/all emails sent via this special email address. It provides a mutually supportive forum for IPPN members to ask questions, seek advice and share best practice. - Sensitive, confidential and non-generic comments/queries which are answered only by the mailing list moderators. The moderators are members of our Leadership Advice Panel.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about our Mailing Lists 

Leadership Support Service

A one-to-one confidential advisory service, providing collegial support and guidance of a non-directive or legal nature from a team of skilled serving and retired principals.

Call 021 482 40 70 / Lo-Call 1800 21 22 23 to avail of this service


Continuous Professional Development

Each year, IPPN hosts national and regional professional development events for school leaders. These offer an opportunity to hear fresh thinking from national and international figures in education, participate in stimulating workshops and network with colleagues.

Regularly check the Events Calendar on the dashboard for details of meetings, conference, courses or any upcoming CPD events. You will also be notified by email or text of national events such as conferences and one-day seminars.

Click here for full list of IPPN CPD Events 


Support Groups

Local Support Groups have proven to be the most effective form of support available to school leaders. Local Support Group meetings are the only meetings that will actually relieve your workload. You will have nothing to prepare before the meeting, you are not ‘performing’ at the meeting and you will not leave with a ‘To Do’ list. You will, however, leave the meeting feeling genuinely supported.

Click Here to read more about Local Support Groups.


IPPN Publications
Publications that have been written or commissioned by IPPN as well as a variety of discussion/position papers currently being used to progress issues on behalf of our members.

Click here for link to publications


The journal for Principals and Deputy Principals - An invaluable magazine which is issued to members twice per school term. Leadership+ offers a wide range of articles of relevance to school leaders, including practical hints and tips, professional guidance, research summaries, information on new procedures and forthcoming events, to name just a few.

Click here to view Leadership+

Resource Bundles
IPPN Resources Bundles are a one-stop-shop where you will find the answers, supporting documentation and reading materials relating to the most common queries principals encounter in the day-to-day management of their schools. This comprehensive new resource, is produced in an easy-to-use, interactive e-publication format.

Click here to view IPPN Resource bundles

Online Services 

The following services are owned and operated by IPPN.

  • TextaParent 
  • EducationPosts
  • TextaSub

These were designed by principals for principals and were specifically established to reduce the associated administrative and cost burden on schools.

Click here to view further information on our online services 



IPPN Sponsors

