IPPN Profile

Report Cover

Annual Report to Members for 2023/2024 - this gives an overview of the activity for the school year and key statistics on services

A Guide to IPPN - updated in July 2024 - this gives an overview of IPPN the organisation, our organisation structure, and supports & services.

IPPN Constitution - ratified by the IPPN National Council in December 2023.

Deich mBliana ag Fás - charts the first ten years of IPPN in a 'Reeling in the Years' approach, describing key events from 1999 to 2010. 

Great Oaks from Tiny Acorns Grow - an article by Founding President, Mr Jim Hayes.

Click here to view the Archive of IPPN Annual Reports

The Irish Primary Principals' Network, trading as IPPN Limited, is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Cork, Ireland with a registered company number 410096 and a registered address at Glounthaune, Co. Cork. IPPN Limited is a registered charity with CHY number 17221.

IPPN Sponsors

