E-scéal 494 - New Year - New Start

No doubt you will have hit the ground running by now. We hope that the break from the summer holidays will sustain you in the weeks and months ahead.

Staffing, late enrolments, special educational needs and building works but to mention a few can take its toll on those same holidays. School leadership is a demanding but equally rewarding role. We and all the staff at IPPN are dedicated to support you in your work and to help you with the challenges ahead. As part of that support, we look forward to meeting you all at our county network meetings which are listed below.

We will advocate on your behalf at every opportunity. We will also work with our educational partners to advance your top priorities namely, one administration day for teaching principals and the alleviation of the moratorium for middle management posts.
We look forward to meeting and hearing from you personally over the year.
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Pairic Clerkin & David Ruddy
IPPN CEO       IPPN President




2017 Autumn County Meetings


Autumn County Network meetings offer members an excellent opportunity to find support, share best practice and avail of practical CPD at a local level.  County Network meetings are open to Principals and Deputy Principals.  

Click here for full 2017 Schedule of Autumn County Network Meetings

Do you want to get more involved in your local County Network Committee?   
The formation of your county network committee will also be taking place at the Autumn County Network Meetings.

Click here  for more information on the County Committee Roles



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TextaParent.ie - NEW APP

We are delighted to announce that work on our new Textaparent.ie App is at an advanced stage.
The TextaParent.ie App will be available on both Apple and Android devices.Working alongside your existing TextaParent account, the App should dramatically reduce the cost of sending messages to parents and staff.



Savings Image

If you have any queries, or would like to try
TextaParent.ie for yourself, please contact
info@textaparent.ie or 1890 401 501

Prices and savings will vary depending on how many standard SMS messages need to be sent. See www.textaparent.ie for more details.

IPPN Sponsors

