25 Feb - 1 March Reopening & NCSE Updates

This e-scéal contains useful information on the following:​​

  • Third Phase Reopening Schools: 5-minute Recording Synopsis
  • School Preparations for Reopening
  • NCSE Key Dates & Guidance
  • Leadership+ Article: Bláthú: Going above and beyond for pupils in ASD classes
  • OLCS – Recording Leave Clarification
  • Inspectorate – Support Services for Principals & Teachers
  • Dates for your Diary
  • Sustainable Development (ESD) Newsletter

1 March – Third Phase Reopening Schools: 5-minute Recording Synopsis
Key information regarding the third phase of the departments ‘Framework plan for the Phased Return of Primary Education’ has been synopsised into a 5-minute recording for members.

FrameworkPlan ReturnToSchool


1 March – School Preparations for Reopening
IPPN’s live Covid-19 Resource Bundle has been updated with the latest information issued by the department for the third phase of schools reopening. A checklist for reopening with supporting resources and documents is included. There were issues with the original link issued to members which have now been resolved. The checklist includes:

  • Actions for School Leaders and BoM
  • Actions regarding Parents and Children
  • Actions regarding In-Person Supplementary Programme
  • Actions regarding staff
  • Actions regarding PPE
  • Useful Contact Numbers

Click here to view latest updates to Resource Bundle

NCSE Key Dates & Guidance
Key dates have been issued by NCSE for the 2021/2022 School year as well as administrative guidance, relating to resource provision and return of information by schools, to determine teaching and SNA allocation for the following school year.

Guidelines for Principals and Boards of Management of Special Schools for 2021/2022

Guidelines for Principals and Boards of Management of Mainstream Schools with Special Classes for 2021/2022

Leadership+ Article: Bláthú: Going above and beyond for pupils in ASD classes
While the Challenges are great, so are the opportunities’. Bill Ford
Schools are an integral place for the development of children with additional needs. In the best of times, we face daily challenges managing scarce resources. In the current Covid-19 environment, our staff members are continuously called on to go above and beyond to meet the needs we encounter within our school communities. The first lockdown posed novel complications in supporting pupils, be it mainstream pupils or our students within Special Classes. Learning remotely was problematic enough for pupils without a learning difficulty and we had to particularly ask ourselves how pupils with added needs would fare.

Read More

OLCS – Recording Leave Clarification
Recent Department of Education information notes 0005/2021 Teachers and 0006/2021 SNAs outline provisions for staff members to work remotely on a temporary basis. When recording the leave on OLCS, schools may be asked for certification. The Payroll division in the department have advised that schools can tick “Yes” to the documentary evidence question and the school user may then save the record and progress.

Inspectorate – Support Services for Principals & Teachers
A dedicated phone and email advisory support service is being facilitated by the Inspectorate Advisory Curriculum service for schools working in a remote environment. The service is available Monday – Friday 9.00 – 17.30. Contact details – Phone 057 9324461, Email: inspectorateadvisory@education.gov.ie. Areas of support for schools include teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum inspection.

Dates for your Diary

Sustainable Development (ESD) Newsletter
The Department of Education has published their second edition of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Newsletter.

Click here for English version

Click here for Irish version




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