Leadership+ Submission Guidelines

     IPPN welcomes ideas and draft articles for possible publication in Leadership+. The Leadership+ Editorial Team has the final say in relation to all content in Leadership+. The key criteria when considering items for publication include:

  • direct relevance to Irish primary school leaders
  • quality of writing
  • credibility of author
  • whether the topic has already been covered in a recent issue (within the past two school years).

Articles of a commercial nature, or originating from a commercial entity, will be passed to Nora Peters, who manages Leadership+ advertising. This includes organisations who may be non-profit / charitable but who charge a fee to schools for their product or service. 

Please follow the guidelines below when submitting your draft article for consideration by the Leadership+ Editorial Team:

  • Read the Leadership+ Style Guide. If your draft piece follows these guidelines, it is more likely to be considered for publication!
  • Article length should be no more than 600 words. (If you use Microsoft Word, the wordcount is available on the lower left of the screen ‘Words: nnn’)
  • brief byline should accompany your article (e.g. AN Other, Principal, ANOther NS, Town, Co. County). You may wish to add more information if you have particular interests you would like to highlight e.g. research
  • Articles should be emailed to Geraldine D’Arcy as an attached Word / Notepad file or as a plain email message
  • Please do not format your article (e.g., columns, borders, etc.)
  • Tables should not be included but should be explained as text
  • Acronyms should be spelled out in full the first time they are used, for the benefit of readers from outside the education community and for overseas readers
  • No bibliography reference lists can be included, we can refer readers to formal research on a website or available by email.

Note: IPPN reserves the right to edit articles

If the Editorial Team wishes to publish the piece, you may be asked to rewrite some or all of the article or or to consider a particular ‘angle’. You will be asked to provide the following by the agreed deadline:

  • high resolution photograph of yourself should be provided (300 dpi or higher i.e. highest resolution on the camera settings – usually a file size of at least 500KB)
  • Photos and other images to accompany articles are especially welcome.  Please email these images separately as attached JPEG files, saved at the highest possible resolution, with the relevant captions provided in the body of the email. Images embedded in Word files cannot be used.
  • Please provide contact information if you wish principals to get in touch in relation to the content of your article e.g. email address
  • Postal address to receive a hardcopy of the particular issue of Leadership+ your article appears in (if not an IPPN member). 

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