New IPPN Logo & Strapline
- Published: 25 February 2025
IPPN’s 25th Anniversary is an opportunity to make explicit what has always been understood and with that in mind we have launched a new IPPN logo and strapline.
Dear Principals and Deputy Principals,
It is my privilege to write to you today to share the news of a new logo and strapline for IPPN.
As you may know, 2025 is a very special year for the organisation as we are celebrating 25 years since the Irish Primary Principals’ Network was formally launched at an event in Dublin Castle by the then Minister for Education, Michael Woods.
We are marking this anniversary in several ways. Some examples of how we are celebrating include video recordings of interviews with all 12 IPPN presidents, which will be shared with you through e-scéal, the 2025 IPPN Roadshow which is already underway and an e-Publication to follow later in the year.
IPPN has always promoted collaborative leadership between the Principal and the Deputy Principal because we know that it results in better, more sustainable leadership of our schools. From the very beginning, when a school became a member of IPPN, both the Principal and the Deputy Principal could avail of all of IPPN’s supports and services. Giorraíonn Beirt Bóthar, published by IPPN in 2007, set out a pathway for shared leadership. Our annual Deputy Principals’ Conference continues to go from strength to strength. It was a particular pleasure to meet with some Principals and Deputy Principals who were attending our most recent Conference together and who were enjoying the time and space to talk to each other.
IPPN’s 25th Anniversary is an opportunity to make explicit what has always been understood and with that in mind we have launched a new IPPN logo and strapline.
As we plan and prepare for the next 25 years, we renew our commitment as a professional network of Principals and Deputy Principals to continue doing our best for the children in our schools, and we do so because leadership matters.
Go n-éirí leis an mbeirt agaibh ar an aistear.
With kind regards,
Catríona O'Reilly
Chair - Board of Directors