Review of IPPN Supports and Services - 24 February 2025

Review of Supports Services February 2025IPPN provides a suite of supports and services to members in order to enhance leadership capacity and effectiveness and to better ensure the sustainability of school leadership roles. It is essential that those supports and services are in keeping with and informed by the needs of members.

Accordingly, it was agreed that it would be opportune to review the supports and services that IPPN provides and that such a review would be informed by data/evidence directly sourced from members.


This collated data/evidence could then be considered by support office staff and Board members to assess

- the value that members attribute to individual supports and services

- the impact of those supports and services

- the levels of member engagement with those supports and services

- whether existing supports and services could be enhanced and

- whether other supports and services need to be developed and made available to members.


The data/evidence, presented in this report, was sourced directly from members in two ways:

  1. through small group or open discussion at each of the 27 city/county network autumn meetings – these meetings were attended by a total of 540 school leaders
  2. through a survey issued to members in October – there were 1501 respondents to the member survey

Each individual support or service is considered separately with reference to four metrics:

  1. the value members attribute to the support or service
  2. how helpful they found the support or service (if they have availed of it)
  3. the frequency of engagement they have had with the support and service
  4. levels of engagement by specific cohorts of members – teaching deputy principals, administrative deputy principals, teaching principals and administrative deputy principals

Thereafter, comparative data is offered for consideration.

Finally, the qualitative data sourced from members, through their feedback at the autumn meetings and the freeform responses to survey questions, is summarised with key themes emerging in relation to IPPN’s supports and services.

Click here to review the report


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