E-scéal 36: Crisis in Special Education Needs

Crisis in Special Education Needs

The present uncertainty concerning the allocation of SEN resources for 2004/2005 is putting an unacceptable burden on principals. The approaching end of the school year requires the principal to make decisions that are vital to the effective running of the school. This year principals find themselves unable to plan for teaching appointments, class allocation, accommodation requirements, textbook lists and transport needs. The broad thrust of curricular planning is also thrown off course by the uncertainty about staffing levels. Some of the serious pressures on principals include:

  • The difficulty of maintaining a positive level of staff morale among teachers who do not know where or how they will be employed on 1st September 2004
  • The anxiety of the parents, whose children have been waiting for resources since early 2003, and whose questions still remain unanswered.
  • The professional frustration at not being able to adequately plan and prepare for the effective running of schools in the new school year.

All this is happening in a context where the DES has increasingly raised expectations of schools' ability to strategically plan and evaluate the education of the children in their care.

IPPN acknowledges the anxiety being felt by all principals at this difficult time. We have made a considered submission to the DES reflecting what principals believe to be an equitable and workable method of resource allocation. IPPN will continue to support principals in the delivery of the new system whenever it becomes a reality. As with all areas of the principal's professional life, IPPN will promote best practice, collegiality and true professionalism in dealing with the most vulnerable children in our schools.

Our National Committee will meet this week-end in Portlaoise. Further consideration will be given to the area of S.E.N. resource allocation at this meeting.


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