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Primary school teachers have said that classrooms in Ireland are the second most crowded in the EU.

They have accused the Government of failing to honour repeated promise ...

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Sinn Fein

Sinn Féin Education Spokesperson Senator Pearse Doherty has called on Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe to say publicly if the Government intends to live up to its pre election pro ...

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Irish Independent

By John Carr

PRIMARY school classes in Ireland, like chips from a takeaway, come in three sizes -- ...

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Irish Times

Olivia Kelly

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O'Keeffe has admitted that start-up grants for new primary schools are inadequate, after it emer ...

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Fine Gael

FG propose setting up primary school pupil database

Fine Gael Education Spokesman, Brian Hayes TD, has today (Friday) proposed setting up a c ...

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The Irish Independent

A value-for-money investigation has been ordered into a €300m scheme which employs 18,000 special-needs assistants in schools.< ...

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Irish Independent

By John Walshe

Some children who enjoyed a carefree summer are going back into a situation ...

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Irish Independent

By John Walshe

Services for disadvantaged young people who are at risk of leaving school early have been ...

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Irish Independent

By Anne Lucey

PARENTS of pupils at Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe's former school have beg ...

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As a result of the highly innovative cross border digital creativity project, ten television programmes that aim to support the professional development of primary teachers North and South will be made available on Information TV on Sky Channel 166 dur ...

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Source : Irish Independent

By Áine Kerr

Friday October 24 2008


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Source : Irish Independent
Saturday October 25 2008

The budget dropped like a bombshell for trainee teachers ...

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Source : Irish Independent

Tuesday October 28 2008

Green TD Paul Gogarty ...

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Below is a joint statement released by the Education Partners in relation to Budget 2009 Education Cuts.

Education Budget is an Attack on Children
National Alliance for Primary Education

Partners Call for Massive Support for Dái ...

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Below is a joint statement released by the Education Partners in relation to Budget 2009 Education Cuts.

Education Budget is an Attack on Children
National Alliance for Primary Education

Partners Call for Massive Support for Dái ...

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Source : Irish Examiner

By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent
UP TO 10,000 teachers and pa ...

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Source : Irish Examiner

By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent
EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Ke ...

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Source : Irish Examiner

By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent
CHILDREN at St Mary's Nation ...

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