School Closures Threat

The issue of supervision and the threat of closures in primary schools highlighted in the recent media coverage was discussed by the executive of the Irish Primary Principals Network at a meeting in Galwa ...

Category:Press Releases

Schools Closures Threat

The issue of supervision and the threat of closures in primary schools highlighted in the recent media coverage was discussed by the executive of the Irish Primary Principals Network a ...

Category:Press Releases

Good afternoon, colleagues and special guests.

Is onóir specíalta domsa beith anseo I gCill Áirne um tráthnóna, mar Uachtarán Líonra Phríomhoidí Bunscoile na h-Éireann. Don ocht gcéad phríomhoidí agus do na h-aíonna specíalta atá i láthai ...

Category:Press Releases

Autism Provision - Not so Special

9 out of 10 children with Autism denied critical services

The Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN) today published the results of a survey of 280 Principal teachers in schools catering for child ...

Category:Press Releases

IPPN Sponsors

