IPPN text a parent 01 200 x 53Over the coming weeks regular communication with the school body will be vital. TextaParent’s Auto Top-Up Service will ensure ...

by IPPN and Dr Mark Morga, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra

Category:Conference 2004

Source : Irish Times

THE EDUCATION PROFILE: Sean Rowland, Founder of Hibernia College:Sean Rowland, founder of Hibernia ...

Category:News Articles

Fermanagh Herald

John O'Kane, former Principal of St Paul's Primary School, Irvinestown was the Guest Speaker at the recent Awards Ceremony celebrated in St Mary's Colleg ...

Category:News Articles

The Inclusive School – Myth or Reality? - Eithne Roycroft
This seminar will explore one school’s journey over the last nine years as it works to become a truly inclusive ...


Irish Times

By: Aidan Gaughran

TEACHING MATTERS: WHAT A difference a year makes - not a lot actually! This time last year, primary scho ...

Category:News Articles

This seminar covered some of the challenges of leadership, including

  • relating more successfully with workplace colleagues
  • understanding how we can lead others more effectively and
  • advancing our personal learning by ad ...


The Principal - The Tail that wags the Board of Management Dog - Fact or Fiction?

The purpose of this seminar is to explore the relationship between the princ ...


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