Blowing the whistle on girls who give up sport too soon [IrishTimes]
- Last Updated: Monday, 09 August 2010 10:42
AS DERVAL O’ROURKE dipped towards the finishing line at the recent European Athletics Championships in Barcelona her only aim was to close the narrowest of gaps between her and the eventual winner, Nevin Yanit from Turkey.
But with her supreme effort, which clinched the silver medal for the 100 metres hurdles, O’Rourke was playing a part in helping to close an altogether different sort of gap at home – that between the numbers of boys and girls involved in sport.
High-profile successes by Irish sportswomen reinforce the message to teenagers that sport is definitely for girls.
At primary school age, most children are involved in physical activities. But as girls progress through secondary school they are much more likely than boys to opt out, with just over half of them playing sport in their late teens.
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