Teacher union warns of 'chaos' over failure to fill posts [IrishTimes]
- Last Updated: Saturday, 21 August 2010 17:23
THE DEPARTMENT of Education will step up efforts next week to avert threatened “chaos’’ in second-level schools this autumn.
But the second-level teaching unions – which rejected the Croke Park public service reform deal – remain strongly opposed to the revised teaching contract.
They also claim that the easing of the promotions embargo on schools does not go far enough.
Peter MacMenamin, general secretary of the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI), has warned of “potential chaos’’ in schools from next month, with hundreds of key middle-management posts left unfilled.
Yesterday, Department of Education officials held separate talks with the two teaching unions which rejected the deal – the TUI and the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI).
Full Story: www.irishtimes.com