‘Web Aware’ helps students get internet savvy [siliconrepublic.com]
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 January 2011 10:05
Waterford Institute of Technology and Co Kilkenny-based Coláiste Pobal Osraí have launched an online awareness project to help the younger internet generation understand risks, such as cyber bullying, when socialising online.
Funded by Campus Engage, the Web Aware project will promote self-awareness among young people when online. It's specifically aimed at transition-year students.
Laura Widger, eLearning co-ordinator, Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), says Web Aware consists of a series of online lessons to promote a better understanding of how the internet works and the potential threats that people face when gaming, shopping or socialising online.
This is WIT’s first collaboration with students at second level to design and create an online learning programme.