This document provides a collection of resources including examples of:
- Comhrá Neamhfhoirmiúil
- Feidhmeanna Teanga
- Filíocht
- Drámaíocht & Agallaimh
- Corpoideachas thí Ghaeilge
- Frásaí na ...Category:Curriculum & School Planning

This document provides a collection of resources including examples of:
- Comhrá Neamhfhoirmiúil
- Feidhmeanna Teanga
- Filíocht
- Drámaíocht & Agallaimh
- Corpoideachas thí Ghaeilge
- Frásaí na ...Category:Acmhainní as Gaeilge

Is doiciméad í seo a d’fhéadfadh treoir a thabhairt ar ábhair do mhúinteoirí le n-úsáid ag dul i mbun scéim oibre a phleanáil do ranganna naíonáin shóisir, naíonáin shínsear, rang 1,2 & 5.
This document provides a content guide for teachers ...

Is doiciméad í seo a d’fhéadfadh treoir a thabhairt ar ábhair do mhúinteoirí le n-úsáid ag dul i mbun scéim oibre a phleanáil do ranganna naíonáin shóisir, naíonáin shínsear, rang 1,2 & 5.
This document provides a content guide for teachers ...

See attached ceremony ideas for both vertical and senior schools.
Suggested songs:
- Hall Of Fame - The Script
- You Got The Love - Florence and the Machine
- Time Of Your Life - Green Day
- Forever Young By ...Category:Plays, prayers, songs, hymns etc

Some ideas posted by Principals on the networking mailing list in response to the question of what to include in a ceremony/event relating to a new Green Schools Flag:
School 1
Invited all the families (including granni ...