Kathryn Corbett, IPPN Board Member
Dr. Kathryn Corbett is currently principal of Bishop Galvin NS, a large senior primary school in Templeogue, Dublin. She is a member of the IPPN Board of Directors. Previous to this, she was seconded to the National Induction Programme for Teachers (NIPT) as a Regional Development Officer. She also worked as Professional Learning Officer, a member of the senior management team with the Teaching Council.
Kathryn completed her M.Ed. with Maynooth University, and in 2020 was awarded a PhD from UL, with her research on teachers’ professional learning portfolios. She also has a Diploma in Counselling Skills. She has worked as an occasional lecturer on the B.Ed. programme with Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education in Maynooth University, and on the Post Graduate Diploma for School Leadership (PDSL) with University of Limerick. She recently co-founded the WILL (Women In Learning & Leadership) Network, to support aspiring and inspiring female leaders across all sectors in education.