Mailing List FAQs

The following are the top technical / procedural queries which colleagues have been asking in relation to the or mailing list, with the answers to each of those queries. If you have any further queries, you can contact

  1. Why am I receiving emails which are not addressed to me?
  2. How can I stop receiving these emails?
  3. Which mailing list(s) should I use for various types of query?
  4. How can I join one of the many mailing lists?
  5. Where can I get help if I need it?
  6. What happens if I wish to change my email address / use another email address?
  7. What happens if I forget to sign an email properly?
  8. Is this mailing list confidential / secure?
  9. How can I manage the large number of emails which arrive in my Inbox
  10. How can I turn on/off the 'Digest' function?
  11. How can I  reply to a query on
  12. How do I post to networking anonymous?

Q&A 1. Why am I receiving emails which are not addressed to me?

The Networking Mailing list facilitates a peer-support community via email. Everyone in this community receives a copy of any/all emails sent via this special email address. In summary, it provides a mutually supportive forum for IPPN members to ask questions, seek advice and share best practice. If you are not familiar with how a mailing list works, please read Appendix 1 below

Q&A 2. How can I stop receiving these emails?

There are 2 routes:

  • Click REPLY to any one of the offending emails, and type the word:   unsubscribe  in the Subject Line. Send this and you will be immediately and automatically unsubscribed
  • Visit the website and login. Under the 'Network' menu, click the item 'mailing lists', and there you can 'unsubscribe' / 'subscribe' from/to any mailing list by ticking the relevant boxes and sending your request using the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Q&A 3. Which mailing list(s) should I use for various types of query?

Consider which of the 4 scenarios your email best fits:

a) Routine comment/query/answer:
Send to, signed with name, locality or school, and county.
Colleagues WILL all get a copy of the query and will all be able to respond.

b) Sensitive but generically phrased: eg. "What's the situation where a separated parent wants access to ..."
Send to, signed with name, locality or school, and county.
Colleagues WILL all get a copy of the query and will all be able to respond.

c) Sensitive, confidential and non-generic comments/queries:
Send, fully signed to, and ask that it be sent/forwarded to (or with your name/signature removed.
Colleagues WILL all get a copy of the unsigned query and will all be able to respond.

d) Query for the IPPN Professional Advice panel:
Send to, signed with name, locality or school, and county. Colleagues WILL all get a copy of the query but will NOT be able to respond. ONLY the Professional Advice panel can reply.

Q&A 4. How can I join one of the many mailing lists?

Visit and under the 'Network' menu, click the item 'mailing lists', and there you can 'unsubscribe' / 'subscribe' from/to any mailing list.

Q&A 5. Where can I get help if I need it?

For general support, you can contact the Support Office ( or 1890 21 22 23).
For technical queries, contact

Q&A 6. What happens if I wish to change my email address / use another email address?

To change the email at which you receive emails from (and indeed all communication from IPPN), please follow the instructions below. This is to ensure that once changed in one central place, that it will be changed consistently in all relevant places (mailing list(s), database, website login, etc.).

  1. Login to
  2. To unsubscribe your OLD email address, in the menu choose "Network" > "Mailing Lists" tick the relevant boxes, and click Submit
  3. In the menu, choose "My IPPN" > "My IPPN Profile"
  4. Change / enter your email address, and click [Logout] on the front page. Now login again using your usual details.
  5. To subscribe using your NEW email address - in the menu choose "Network > Mailing Lists" and tick the relevant boxes

This update is effective immediately for the website, mailing lists etc., and it takes up to 2 business days (entries are manually checked for accuracy) for your new email to be in effect on the general IPPN database and other services, etc.

Q&A 7. What happens if I forget to sign an email properly?

If you do not sign:

  1. your name (first and lastname)
  2. location or school name, and
  3. county

your email will NOT be distributed, and you will receive a reminder email. Some flexibility is given when members include three pieces of info - eg Mary Murphy, St John's, Drogheda - but in the interest of consistency, the above guideline with County is preferred.

Q&A 8. Is this mailing list confidential / secure?

No it is not secure. Although only email addresses from current IPPN membership have access to the mailing lists, it is possible for a member to forward a presumed 'private' email s/he gets from networking to a third party.

Although we can back-trace emails, and although sharing with third parties is prohibited in our protocols and terms & conditions, IPPN cannot thus guarantee total confidentiality/security.

In addition, members are advised NOT to share information which they would not be able to stand over from a professional point of view. The vast majority of potentially sensitive scenarios can be phrased in a generic, non-specific way. Other queries which you wish to be anonymous may be sent via using the procedure outlined in Q&A 3.

Q&A 9. How can I manage the large number of emails which arrive in my Inbox?

The following are some options which have proven useful to members:

  1. Create a free Gmail account and use this for networking and indeed all your email. It automatically archives old emails and has all sorts of tagging and email management features that make email management in general, a lot easier
  2. Create an extra folder in your email system. For example, call it Networking. Now create a 'rule' or 'filter' which routes all incoming emails to this folder, instead of storing them in your Inbox. The procedure for implementing this is different for various email systems, so you may have to explore yourself, or ask a friend for technical assistance - or read the relevant tutorial below:

Q&A 10. How can I turn on/off the 'Digest' function?

The 'Digest' facility enables you to receive 1 email each day. This email will contain ALL the emails of the day. This may be useful to handle emails from Networking in a sort of 'archival' way. However, the emails/attachments contained within your 1 daily email can be difficult to read through, and very difficult to reply to individual emails. Many members have switched off 'Digest' after trying it out; they said that individual emails are easier to handle, delete or keep and easier to move elsewhere or reply to.

How to turn ON the 'Digest' facility:

  • Write a new, totally blank email to
  • In the 'Subject Line' type exactly the following:      DIGEST-1
  • Send the email

How to turn OFF the 'Digest' facility:

  • Write a new, totally blank email to
  • In the 'Subject Line' type exactly the following:      DIGEST-OFF
  • Send the email

Q&A 11. How can I  reply to a query on

The Principal Advice mailing list only allows replies from the Principal Advice panel. Any member replies are NOT distributed and are deleted. However, members are welcome to transfer their reply to where it can be discussed by all. Simply Copy&Paste your thoughts into a new email, and type or paste the same 'Subject Line' and send your email to 

Q&A 12. How do I post to networking anonymous?

To avail of this service, Principals are asked to write the email containing the query / comment / question but at the top of the e-mail write  **Please submit anonymously to **.

This e-mail must be written to and fully signed (cf below for guidelines). We will then remove the signature, and send the anonymous e-mail to the appropriate mailing list.

Signature Guidelines:

  • Name (Firstname and Surname)
  • School Name
  • County (The County requirement is designed to make members aware of colleagues in their own county)
  • Roll Number


Accompanying Notice to Colleagues:


Full name, school address, roll number are with the IPPN Office.

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