Leadership Support Callback Service

Phone2016This Leadership Support Service is designed to make sure that any IPPN member going through a stressful or worrying time will receive appropriate personal as well as professional support. In the event of a crisis situation, critical incident or school tragedy, members of our Professional Guidance Panel are available to provide 1 to 1 confidential advice and support over the telephone.

The Leadership Support Service can be accessed either by contacting the IPPN Support Office on 021 482 40 70 or emailing advice@ippn.ie. Contact may also be made through jack.durkan@ippn.ie.

Leadership Support Team
The team comprises five dedicated members of staff, four of whom are retired school leaders, and they focus on a range of supports and services to school leaders as follows:

  • Confidential phone support for challenging issues
  • Development of content for online and face-to-face courses
  • Facilitation of seminars and master classes at conferences
  • Development of group mentoring training to aspiring mentors
  • Resources for www.ippn.ie
  • Content for Leadership+ and E-scĂ©alta.

The confidential phone support service is provided with support from the Professional Guidance Panel, who are all current serving school leaders with significant leadership experience.



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