Sustainable Leadership
Moving the Dial on Leadership – a twin-track approach
The primary focus of IPPN’s work is the empowerment of effective school leadership, whether that is through the supports and services we offer or the advocacy work we undertake. We do so because we know that leadership matters.
Of course, as the professional body for primary school leaders, you would expect us to be banging the drum about the importance of leadership. But it’s not just us saying it. In the Global Education Monitoring report that it released in October, UNESCO clearly identifies that an inordinate focus on administrative and bureaucratic tasks is limiting capacity to focus on teaching and learning which is impacting negatively on student outcomes.
So, what conditions must be met for school leadership to be both effective and sustainable. Well, it is IPPN’s view that
Irish Principals and Deputy Principals Health and Wellbeing Research
Click here for an overview of the research project, initiated in 2022
2024 Health and Wellbeing Report
Phase 3 of the research began in February 2024. The resulting report was published in November 2024.
Click here to access the full report
Sustainable Leadership Progress Report - Nov 2024
In order to keep members up to speed with actions and achievements relating to the specific recommendations from the IPPN Sustainable Leadership report published in November 2022, we've collated two progress report on the project, one in November 2023, and the final report in November 2024, both of which can be accessed below.
Click here to view the 2024 report
A Guide to the Leadership of Teaching and Learning
Sustainable Leadership Project Update - June 2024
In keeping with our core purpose of enhancing leadership capacity, effectiveness and sustainability, a key focus for IPPN’s advocacy work has been to seek progress on the implementation of the recommendations in the Sustainable Leadership report.
IPPN published its progress report on the project in November 2023. The purpose of the progress report was to
• reaffirm the rationale underpinning the project
• highlight what actions had been undertaken and what progress has been made since the publication of the original report
• provide an up-to-date evidence base that demonstrated an ongoing need for urgent action.
At the IPPN/NAPD symposium on education and leadership in January 2024, the DE acknowledged that it accepted the data and analysis with regard to the unsustainability of school leadership roles and that the focus now needed to move to actions and solutions.
To that end, IPPN developed discussion documents with specific proposals. The following is by way of summary of those specific proposals;