Sustainable Leadership
Leadership Effectiveness Reflection Tool
This Reflection Tool seeks to establish a common understanding of the roles of school leaders with reference to the Quality Framework for Leadership & Management (LAOS 2022). It is not envisaged that a job specification would emerge but rather that consensus might be reached as to what it is that school leaders should be focused on in order to render them as effective as possible in their leadership roles and also that those leadership roles would be more sustainable.
IPPN fully accepts that there are leadership and management dimensions to all school leadership roles and that their needs to be a balanced focus on both dimensions.
The list is not exhaustive and the tool is provided in Word format so it can be tailored to meet the needs of each individual school. Feedback is very welcome to
Sustainable Leadership – What you told us - January 2024
Click here to view/download the article, which was published in Leadership+ Issue 131
Sustainable Leadership Progress Report - Nov 2023
As the professional organisation for primary school leaders, IPPN’s mission is to enhance leadership capacity, leadership effectiveness and leadership sustainability as all the research confirms that effective leaders mean effective schools and effective schools mean better outcomes for children.
If we can ensure the existence of that leadership capacity, effectiveness and sustainability, we can empower existing school leaders to thrive in your roles, while also encouraging greater numbers of potential or aspiring leaders to embrace leadership roles in our schools. However, our direct engagement with you has highlighted that this isn't the case and that is what prompted us to undertake this Sustainable Leadership project.
This time last year, we published the Sustainable Leadership report - Primary School Leadership: The Case for Urgent Action – A Roadmap to Sustainable Leadership.
Sustainable Leadership Project Update - June 2023
The importance of school leadership as an influence on and key determinant of pupil learning has been clearly established. The equation is simple – effective school leadership leads to school effectiveness which, in turn, leads to better outcomes for children. It is, therefore, a priority that school leaders should be empowered and supported to deliver that effective leadership in our schools, thereby maintaining their focus on what is most closely aligned with their core purpose – leading teaching and learning.
Primary School Leadership: The Case for Urgent Action - A Roadmap to Sustainability
We are delighted to share with you a copy of IPPN’s research publication Primary School Leadership: The Case for Urgent Action - A Roadmap to Sustainability. This report is the culmination of over two years of research and consultation exploring the current reality and sustainability of primary leadership and six related themes:
- Effective School Leadership & Core Purpose
- Preparation for Leadership
- Recruitment
- Time and Space to Lead
- Sharing and Supporting Leadership
- Governance.
Each of these chapters sets out recommendations - or a roadmap to sustainability - for that aspect of school leadership.
In formulating this report, IPPN has consulted with thousands of members, with the IPPN Board of Directors and with ‘critical friends’ of IPPN who are deeply committed to, and working in, the Irish primary education sector. We sincerely thank those members who provided input to the Deakin University research commissioned by IPPN and NAPD on the health and wellbeing of school leaders, and to the IPPN consultation survey on the sustainability of your leadership role. Thanks also to the hundreds of members who participated in focus groups, which looked at each of the themes in detail; these discussions were invaluable in ensuring that the ‘current reality’ captured all the key issues, and in surfacing potential solutions to be considered in respect of the recommendations.
The report was launched this afternoon at the IPPN Annual Principals’ Conference in Killarney. Minister Foley and her officials have also received a copy of the report and we expect the Minister to comment on it during her input tomorrow morning.
We will be working with the Secretary General, the Minister and their officials, as well as our fellow education partners to progress the recommendations contained in the report in the coming months, and will keep members informed of progress.
We would encourage you to share this report with your management team and your Board of Management.