This seminar explores the issues relating to how schools can plan and implement a range of modern technologies to enhance learning and teaching across the curriculum and throughout the school, in the context of preparing ...
Most adults spend a substantial proportion of their daily lives in the workplace and therefore employers can play a vital role in promoting the physical and mental health of their employees. This means i ...
The seminar will include the following components:
In times of crisis or disruption the Principal is to the forefront – it is the principal who leads the school response, generally faces the media and becomes the focus of the school's actions and reactions. Generally it is the Principal who is named by ...
This seminar will examine how guardianship, custody and access rights can influence judgement calls that you have to make in relation to the collection of pupils and access to information. Barring, safety, and protection ...
This workshop aims to deepen participants' understanding of the most effective ways to restore balance between the many competing demands in the life of the school principal. The focus will primarily be on the knowledge t ...
This seminar will provide a refreshing and stimulating look at the role of the SNA in the primary school. It will explore legislation, professional development ideas, union issues, responsibilities of pr ...
If a principal is to effectively lead learning in his or her school, it is clear that there is a need to re-focus on priorities and to jettison a lot, either by means of delegation or de-prioritisation. ...
This seminar will examine policies, procedures and protocols in primary schools, including mandatory policies and good practices. It will also look at potential pitfalls, especially in areas that can lead to litigation. I ...
This seminar will focus on how to manage the duties of a Principal with those of a teacher. There will be a presentation on the facilitator's experience of managing this dual role in two different schools. Topics will inc ...
Tá sé ráite gurb é modh an tumoideachais an dóigh is éifeachtaí leis an dara teanga a fhoghlaim. Is é cuspóir na cainte seo plé a dhéanamh ar an mhodh sin agus muid ag iarraidh cumarsáid éifeachtach chruinn sa Ghaeilge a ...
Discover the many benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and how it can help in your work and personal life. Discover how to stay relaxed and banish stress, communicate and use language more effectively, build rapport i ...
At a time when stress is cited as one of the greatest occupational hazards, mindfulness practice is invaluable. Mindfulness practices are simple, yet profound, and create a solid foundation for self-worth, compassion and ...
Do you know that the term 'restrictive practice' could mean anything from locking a door to prevent a junior infant running away to keeping a pupil separated (however briefly) from their peers? If this is happening in a class near you - then this semin ...
Video Clip - Brendan McCabe Keynote Address
Video Clip - Seán Cottrell Keynote Address
Video Clip - Ruairi Quinn TD, Minister for Education and Skills
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