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Irish Examiner

FURTHER cuts to education services look likely after next months budget as Education Minister Batt OKeeffe hinted there would be little or no increases ...

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Irish examiner

GUIDELINES for the wearing of religious clothing such as the Muslim hijab in schools have yet to be agreed by the Government, despite a reques ...

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Irish Independent

By Brendan Keenan

THE great press baron Roy Thomson used to stay ...

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Irish Times

By: Seán Flynn, Education Editor, in Galway

THE DELAY in rolling out new State-run community national schools has been criticis ...

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Irish Examiner

By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent

THE passing of control of primary schoo ...

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Irish Examiner

By Niall Murray, Education Correspondent

SCHOOL leaders expressed anger at the lack o ...

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Irish Independent

By John Walshe Education Editor

THE battle for control of new primary schools stepped up ...

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Irish Examiner

EDUCATION Minister Batt OKeeffe said he cannot understand how universities claim they are starved for cash given their increase in funding in ...

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Irish Times

Opinion: Education should have been a top Budget priority, as it is a prime route out of poverty, writes Breda O'Brien


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Irish Times

Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent

THE CHURCH of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin Most Rev John Neill has accused Minis ...

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Irish Times

A series of 32 Budget cuts in education may have slipped below the radar because of the medical card dispute, writes Seán Flynn Education Editor ...

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Irish Independent

By John Walshe Education Editor

Schools of the future will be much larger, with ...

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Irish Examiner

THE building industry has welcomed Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe's proposals to generate employment by getting developers to build schools that would ...

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Irish Times

THE DEPARTMENT of Education has issued separate orders to a primary school compelling it to accept two children with special needs when it has on ...

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Irish Independent

By John Walshe Education Editor

The share of our national wealth spent on edu ...

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Irish Times

Seán Flynn and Gráinne Faller

IRELAND IS close to the bottom of the international league table on education spending relative to the coun ...

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Irish Independent

IT COULD be argued -- and indeed is being argued -- that comparing this country's spending on education with that of other countries, ...

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Irish Independent

By Ralph Riegel and Aine Kerr

GOVERNMENT pledges to reduce class sizes rem ...

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Irish Times

Seán Flynn, Education Editor

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O'Keeffe has moved to defend the Government's record on class sizes, d ...

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Irish Independent

WHERE you live has a huge impact on the likelihood of your child being squeezed into an overcrowde ...

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