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This is a sample yearly calendar to  be used as a template and will need to be tailored to meet individual school needs. There are two spare days in this example.

To capture BoM, planning, admninistration and other activities by month / term

Includes examples of the types of activities that need to be planned each month of each term

This file will need to be amended to take into account the dates/days and holidays for each school year.

Can be used for various purposes

including Polish, German, Lithuanian, Spanish etc

Includes a description of the process used to identify and resolve child to child bullying and adult bullying (of other adults and of children).

This sample policy is included in the Category:School Policies

This sample policy includes:

  • aims of the code
  • responsibility of adults
  • school rules
  • class rules
  • incentives/reward system
    • 'stamp system'
  • unacceptable behavio ...

    Category:School Policies

See also Principal's right to allocate classes - an excerpt from David Ruddy's Legal Diary in Issue 31 of Leadership+.

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