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20th May 2020 - Covid-19 Practice in Primary Schools & Leader Wellbeing - Follow-up Report
0 reviewsLast week, almost 1,000 primary school leaders completed the online survey to let us know what supports you most valued in recent weeks, what supports you prioritise for the coming weeks, as well as how you want those sup ...
Adelle Salmon Dissertation - The Role of the Teaching Principal: Should the role be restructured to include the option of a formal step-down facility after a pre-determined length of time?
0 reviewsAdelle Salmon is principal of Tang NS, Ballymahon, Co. Longford.
She was awarded a Masters in Education with Specialisms ...
As part of his studies towards the award of a Masters in Education (Leadership and Management) at Trinity College, Dublin, Derry, a teacher in
Provided by David Gerry. See his article in Leadership+ Issue 106. Created on 22 October 2018
Grace Sheehan - Occupational Health Reports, Perceived Control and Bullying at Work The Experience of Primary Principals in Ireland
0 reviewsAuthor: Grace Sheehan. Supervisor: Dr. Debora Jeske. A thesis submitted to the Department of Applied Psychology, University College Cork, for the Award of Masters in Applied Psychology, 2018.
To progress the key issues being addressed at IPPN Conference 2020, we have prepared an ‘Advocacy Pack’ for IPPN members and key stakeholders. Please see the pack linked below to get an outline of what we are saying about ...
Irene Simmons Masters Thesis: Stronger together? An exploration of the potential of primary principal support groups as a means to collectively negotiate the demands of leading
0 reviewsIrene summarised her research on principals' support groups in Issue 121 of Leadership+, February 2022.
Lisa Kelly - Why do Schools install CCTV and what Effects may it have on the School Population?
0 reviewsInstitute of Education, Dublin City University, as part of a Master of Education
Supervisor: Rev. Prof. Anne Lodge
Published June 8, 2020
Lisa contributed a summary of her research for Leadership+ Issue ...
Sub-title: An Exploration of Wellbeing Support Systems for Primary School Principals in Ireland
Noel is Principal of Rush & Lusk Educate Together NS, Lusk, Co. Dublin
The purpose of this mixed-methods research study (April & ...