1. Annual Principals' Conferences: All Listings 

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This seminar introduced principals to the new Catholic Preschool and Primary Religious Education Curriculum for Ireland, due to published by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference in 2015. It also considered the implications of the implementatio ...


A step by step guide, based on practical experience, of the benefits and pitfalls associated with the establishment of Special Autism Classes in a mainstream setting.

The workshop focused on procurement of facilities, recruitment, retention and ...


The objective of this seminar was to provide the teaching principal with some practical tips and resources for multi grade settings, involving linkage and integration across the curriculum, particularly with senior classes. Ideas and strategies were di ...


"We have to mind the boys and girls who suffer mental health issues"

Article by Fergus Finlay as it appeared in the Irish Examiner on 3rd Feb 2015 – based on his keynote input at IPPN Conference 2015 on Friday 30th...


Managing Challenging Behaviour
This seminar provided participants with an overview of supports available from the Special Education Support Service. We explore ...


Data Protection in Schools
This seminar gave the background as to why schools need to have a policy in place, including with regard to CCTV systems. It covered h ...


The Principal - The Tail that wags the Board of Management Dog - Fact or Fiction?

The purpose of this seminar is to explore the relationship between the princ ...



  1. Powerpoint Slides - Using and Reducing the Use of Restrictive Practices and Physical Interventions in Irish Schools (attached)
  2. ...


Special classes - the rewards and challenges
Cóilín and Peter explored the challenges, rewards and criteria involved in establishing and managing special classes ...


Special classes - the rewards and challenges
Cóilín and Peter explored the challenges, rewards and criteria involved in establishing and managing special classes ...



Seán Cottrell, CEO, IPPN

A native of Innishannon, West Cork, Seán began teaching at St. Joseph’s, Cobh, County Cork. He has served as Teaching Principal at tw ...



Maria Doyle, IPPN President
Maria graduated from Mary Immaculate College of Education with a B.Ed and started her teaching career in Holy Family Junior Mercy Pri ...



Angela Lynch is the Principal Advice Manager for IPPN. Prior to taking up this role, Angela taught in Glasheen Girls Schools, Cork, for over 36 years, 20 of these were in a Teaching and Administrative principal role. She ...



Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan TD
Jan O’Sullivan is a Labour Party TD representing the Limerick City constituency. A former pre-school and sec ...


Presented by Margaret Grogan, Regional Director, Dorry Holland, Psychologist and Dr Theresa O Dea. Senior Psychologist

Well-Being in Primary Schools - Guidelines for Mental Health Promotion was published in January 2015 and l ...


The objective of this seminar was to provide the Teaching Principal with ideas and strategies for linkage of themes across the Curriculum e.g. Space / Rome and the Romans / The Rainforest / Polar Regions / 1916 Centenary /etc. Bringing Aistear from Jun ...


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