Conferences 2003 to 2020: All Listings 

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Child Protection -  Doing what's right for the child – Maria Doyle

As educators we are acutely aware of the fact that we are responsible for the lea ...


The Inclusive School – Myth or Reality? - Eithne Roycroft
This seminar will explore one school’s journey over the last nine years as it works to become a truly inclusive ...


Leading Planning in your School – Noel Loftus & Marie Riney, NCCA
The workshop will support both the teaching principal and administrative principal in leading teach ...


DEIS - Joining the Dots…
Maintaining a Healthy Teaching & Learning Environment in Challenging Times


Manage Your Stress and Improve Your Performance” - Karen Belshaw
Manage Your Stress and Improve Your Performance workshops will be delivered by Karen Belshaw from Stress ...


Dealing with an underperforming teacher - procedures - Denise Brett
Most Principals are fortunate in not having to deal with underperforming teachers. However, for those ...


Incredible Years Programme - How we make it work! - Ena Morley & Aoife Slacke
This workshop will explore The Incredible Years Programme in the context of a Whole Scho ...


Principal Leading Numeracy - Seán Delaney
This workshop provides a forum to discuss ways in which you can stimulate and influence changes in how mathematics is taught and ...


'Challenging Adult Behaviour & Conflict Resolution' – Dr. Joe O’Connell
This workshop will focus on the realities that present when dealing with the management of rel ...


‘Time Management for Teaching Principals’ – Michéal Rea
This workshop will provide some examples of effective strategies to make the job of Teaching Principal more manageable and will also provide participants with an opportunity to consider scena ...


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