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This template form is for pupils to sign up to a code of conduct in relation to sports in the school.

It includes sections on

  • how I treat myself
  • players from opposing teams
  • our own team coaches
  • suppo ...

    Category:School Policies

This document asks and answers the following questions:

  • What is bullying?
  • What does it feel like to be bullied?
  • Why do some people bully?
  • Why are some young people bullied?
  • Signs of bullying
  • ...

    Category:School Policies

See also Supporting Each Other (IPPN/NPC publication) which is very helpful for schools looking at setting up a parents association or fine-tuning the worki ...

This can be used as a template to explain to parents how classes are being arranged and the criteria used to place children in particular classes.

This is a sample whole school plan suitable for schools organised into a cluster. Much of it is also suitable for consideration by non-clustered schools.

This document asks and answers the following questions:

  • What is bullying?
  • What does it feel like to be bullied?
  • Why do some people bully?
  • Why are some young people bullied?
  • Signs of bullying
  • ...

Includes a description of the process used to identify and resolve child to child bullying and adult bullying (of other adults and of children).

This sample policy is included in the Category:Mandatory Policies

Enrolment Policy for Autism Unit

Useful as part of a review of a school's code of conduct/behaviour/discipline. It includes the following checklists:

  • Principles Underpinning an Effective Code of Behaviour
  • Addressing Inappropriate Behaviour
  • Use of San ...

Code of behaviour for parents. Revised August 2012.

Revised August 2012. This sample policy includes:

  • aims of the code
  • responsibility of adults
  • school rules
  • class rules
  • incentives/reward system
    • 'stamp system'
  • ...

This sample policy includes the following:

  • school rules
  • caring for myself
  • caring for others
  • bullying
  • clár ama
  • homework
  • strategies
  • procedures
  • examples of misd ...

An alternative to the two other versions, this code includes:

  • discipline for learning
  • restorative practice
    • Questions to respond to Challenging Behaviour
    • To help those harmed by other actions
    • ...

This sample plan is more high level than SPHE Plan.

Recommendations in the event that the Board of Management decides to accept applications for vacancies electronically.


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