DES Press Release 15 December, 2005 - Minister of State Brian Lenihan launches a Music Initiative under fund for the development of target Educational Responses to certain Children at Risk

The Minister of State with special responsibility for Children, Brian Lenihan, today launched the Music Initiative 2005 under the Department of Education & Science, Fund for the Development of Targeted Educational Responses to Certain Children at Risk, at Pobalscoil Isolde, Palmerstown. This initiative, aimed at encouraging better school participation and attendance, has allocated total funds of €419,000 to disadvantaged schools around the country in order to purchase or replace musical instruments, through the provision of once-off grant aid.

The objective of the Fund for the Development of Targeted Educational Responses to Certain Children at Risk is to develop preventative and supportive programmes, which are targeted at children and young people who are at risk of educational disadvantage and social exclusion. A key focus of the initiative is the empowerment of schools and local communities to develop innovative and flexible programmes that address identified needs of intended participants.

The Minister of State was entertained with a selection of Christmas Carols sung by the school choir at Pobalscoil Isolde, one of the participating schools which has received an allocation of €15,000 to expand their music programme. The initiative at Pobalscoil Isolde will be further enhanced in the coming year by the purchase of instruments for a school band.

Speaking at the school, Minister Lenihan said that he hoped that the benefit of this initiative will not only result in students achieving considerable success in their junior and leaving certificate music examinations, but that it will also foster a more positive attitude to school attendance, attentiveness and enthusiasm for school participation by engaging pupils in an enjoyable and educational activity.

The Minister praised the work of the staff, music teacher and students at Pobalscoil Isolde. The Minister extended a special word of thanks to Padraic Gallagher, Principal, Michael Smith, SCP Co-ordinator and Mary Kenny, Assistant National SCP Co-ordinator for facilitating the launch of the Music Initiative today.



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