Netd@ys 2004

Netd@ys is taking place this year from the 22-27 November. Perhaps your school would be interested in getting involved.

Netd@ys - a European Commission initiative-is an annual celebration of the use of new media (multimedia, internet, videoconference or audio-visual facilities) in the areas of education and culture. This is an excellent opportunity for schools and organisations to showcase their work in the field of ICT.

The theme for Netd@ys 2004 is 'Dialogue between Cultures'. Schools and organisations are invited to submit ICT projects on this theme.

To register your project please visit

Once your project is accepted, your school/organisation will be awarded a Netd@ys "Label". Details of the project will be put on the Netd@ys Ireland website and on the Netd@ys Europe website

The Education Service of Léargas has produced a CD ROM showcasing 11 of the successful Netd@ys 2003 registered projects. The CD ROM provides information on the project concepts, methodologies, successes and also looks at difficulties encountered during the project. Short videos from selected projects, outline both pupils and teachers experiences and sample images provide a flavour of the activities organised. A technology matrix provides a useful guide to how the various technologies were used within the projects. This CD ROM is an invaluable teaching aid to any teacher interested in developing a project using technology  

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