Letter to Principals re Fundraising for Schools

Dear Principal,

You are aware that since 2007, IPPN is actively campaigning to achieve a significant increase in operational funding for Primary Schools.

In association with the National Parents' Council (NPC), we have designed a short 3 minute survey for parents. This survey is now accessible on both www.educationopinion.ie and www.npc.ie. The information arising from this survey will be crucial in strengthening our case for the proper resourcing of schools.

We would appreciate if you could encourage all the parents in your school to complete this survey. We have included below a link to a sample letter which you will hopefully copy and distribute to all parents.

We are aware that this request has workload implications for you. However, we ask that you support this initiative as it will provide us with significant leverage in our future negotiations with Government. If this campaign is successful, Parents, Children, Teachers and Principals will all benefit.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming Seán Cottrell

Click here to download sample letter to parents

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