IPPN Submission to Joint Committee for Education & Social Protection

IPPN was invited to present to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection to discuss leadership in schools on Wednesday, 9th April. In advance of this, IPPN prepared and submitted a document to the Committee identifying eight key priority issues for leadership in school.

CLICK HERE to view the IPPN submission - Priority Issues for Leadership in Schools

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Position Papers

The following are position papers prepared by IPPN on a range of issues:


We would greatly appreciate member input to all our submissions, which often have extremely tight deadlines. Click here to view open consultations. 

The following are submissions IPPN has made to the Department of Education (DE) and other organisations on a range of issues relating to Primary Education. Note: Unless otherwise stated, 'JOC' refers to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education - the official name of which varies from government to government:










2016 and prior

List of submissions over the years

Important Education Issues Urgently Needing Debate

IPPN has collated a list of 10 serious and urgent issues affecting school communities and especially our children’s future life chances. It would be worth raising these challenges with all party political canvassers at your doorstep or whenever you get the opportunity in the days ahead.

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IPPN Sponsors

