IPPN Position Paper on SEN Resources, Allocations & Appeals

The position paper highlights challenges relating to the allocation of resources to schools to meet additional needs, including:

  • Planning for, supporting and resourcing schools to meet special needs
  • How allocations are compromised by inaccurate or out of date data
  • The inadequacy of the exceptional review process
  • The impact of the shorter timeframe for the admissions process
  • The lack of transparency with regard to how allocations are calculated
  • The additional complexity of resourcing Special Schools.

The paper also outlines the key recommendations to resolve these challenges. Together, implementation of these recommendations would have a profound impact on the capacity of schools to meet the additional needs of vulnerable students and would also reduce the frustrations and stresses caused by the current processes and procedures. The latter is a key aim of IPPN’s Sustainable Leadership report ‘Primary School Leadership: A case for urgent action – A roadmap towards sustainability’.

The position paper was well received by key stakeholders – the Department of Education Special Education Section and the National Council for Special Education, who wanted an opportunity to engage directly with school leaders to understand the issues and the proposals in more detail. This resulted in the establishment of a DE Focus Group on SEN resourcing and appeals, which includes members of IPPN’s Board of Directors and the Advocacy & Communications sub-committee of the National Committee. The first meeting was held on 25th August. Further discussions are anticipated this term.

Click here to view the position paper 

Development of the Position Paper
In early 2023, the Advocacy & Communications (A&C) committee of the IPPN National Council chose as its priority area of focus the issue of ‘SEN Resources, Allocations & Appeals’.

The Committee is chaired by the Chairperson of IPPN’s Board of Directors, Catríona O’Reilly, and supported by Sustainable Leadership Coordinator, Brian O’Doherty, and IPPN Advocacy & Communications Manager, Geraldine D’Arcy. Between spring and early summer, a sub-group of Committee members worked tirelessly to produce a position paper on this issue, with input from IPPN Board and staff members.

IPPN’s leadership has been using the resulting position paper in its advocacy work with key stakeholders, including in discussions around IPPN’s Budget 2024 submission


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