External Research - UCD PLAN’EAT Project - Supporting healthy and sustainable diets in Educational Settings

The PLAN'EAT project aims to transform food systems and environments towards healthy and sustainable behaviour. UCD researchers are conducting a study on healthy and sustainable diet initiatives and the needs for improvement within educational settings. 

School principals are invited to share their views on:

  1. What is needed to support the transition toward healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours within the educational setting
  2. Current initiatives in place to support healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours

To participate, complete a short online survey (one per school) by Friday 22 September

Click this link to access the survey

If you have any queries or would like more information on the study, please contact: lauren.devine@ucd.ie

All participants in this study will remain anonymous and their data will be treated confidentially. University College Dublin Human Research Ethics Committee has ethically approved this study. 

IPPN Sponsors

