Networking Mailing List - Update

As part of our ongoing review of the supports and services offered to members, we conducted an internal audit of our mailing list facility. Arising from that audit, the need for a redevelopment of the mailing list facility was established to better support and protect members. That redevelopment commenced in early September.

During the redevelopment phase the, and mailing lists will be prioritised and maintained. Such prioritisation will ensure the ongoing facilitation of:

  • requests for peer-to-peer help, advice & support
  • offers of peer-to-peer help, advice & support
  • sharing of resources (equipment, furniture, policies, etc.).

Requests for professional guidance can continue to be emailed to and observations on current issues impacting on leadership practice and on schools can be emailed to All communications with other mailing lists, such as county mailing lists, will be facilitated directly through the support office.

We assure you of our continued commitment to enabling the peer-to-peer support and collegiality that underpin this network and which help to inform our leadership practice.

IPPN Sponsors

