NEPS Briefing on Mental Health Pilot Phases 1 & 2 - 15th November 2023

On foot of a NCSE event during the week of 6th November, it was agreed that the partners would receive a briefing on the progress of the pilot. The following is an overview of the information shared at that briefing.

Because of the difficulties with the CAMHS service, the lack of access to mental health services especially for primary school children, the increasing levels of anxiety reported among children and recommendations of JOC, the pilot was approved in two phases. NEPS met with their NI counterparts as well as teams in Dorset and West Sussex where similar pilots are operating.

A good national and regional spread across geographical locations with the longest waiting lists was the determining factor in selecting schools for the pilot. NEPS engaged with the three main accrediting bodies for counselling in Ireland to set up the rolling application process.

Progress on Strand 1 has been slow. However, 32 counsellors have now been cleared and are ready for the panel. 41% of schools have now been allocated blocks of counselling, initially to larger schools, followed by the smaller schools, once more counsellors become available. Large schools got a letter to this effect in the week beginning 6th November, with smaller schools receiving a holding letter. Once the letter is received, NEPS will work with the school to identify needs and pupils following the continuum of support. NEPS will also identify who needs onward referral and/or additional supports.

Schools are asked to identify a link person to be the point of contact with the counsellor (principal or teacher acting on behalf of the principal). The link person will liaise with the counsellor to decide dates, times and arrangements, link with parents and the provide counsellor with school’s CP policy. The child will have access to 6 sessions. An initial and final session will be provided to the parents and school staff.

Guidelines for Schools have been issued during the week beginning 13th November and a dedicated website also went live.

Strand 2 in Cork, Dublin 7/16 and Carlow has 78 schools. Teams will consist of 4 Educational Wellbeing and Mental Health Practioners with 1 NEPS psychologist. The approach will be to set up prevention measures, CBT interventions and psychological education supports for parents and teachers. 5 NEPS psychologists are developing a training programme for the teams and will provide oversight and supervision.

There were 63 applicants for the practioner posts with 16 appointed. These were Educational Psychologists and Social Science Graduates. NEPS hope that this will increase as the pilot develops. There is huge interest in Strand 2. Cork ETB are administering the process, beginning on 27th November, with lead people undergoing training sessions.

The priority was to get Strand 1 up and running. Once more information becomes available and as the pilot develops, NEPS have said that they will provide briefing sessions for the partners. The news that the pilot has been funded for a further year is welcome.

NEPS is in the process also of developing a tender for the evaluation of the project.

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