Professional Guidance - the Termly Staff meeting

The value of the staff meeting at the start of each school term cannot be underestimated.

This opportunity to remind all staff of the very important daily practises that keep the school running smoothly and safely is paramount in keeping everybody on track and perhaps can help to avoid having individual conversations of a challenging nature regarding issues around professionalism and possible underperformance. The fact that the staff meeting is minuted is also a clear reminder of what has been discussed, proposed, and agreed.

This termly staff meeting agenda can be structured and divided as follows to deliver specific messages:

  • Messages for all staff (teachers, SNAs and Ancillary)
  • Messages for some (teachers, SNAs)
  • Messages for a few

A guide to the items on the staff meeting agenda at the start of each new term might include Child Protection, Duty of Care, Priorities in relation to the school’s PIEW and Timekeeping & Supervision, to name just a few. Some items that need follow-up or reminding to staff can be put on the agendas for subsequent terms.

“If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.” - Tony Robbins

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