Jim Hayes


Jim started his teaching career in Beaumont N.S. Cork. He later became the first Principal of the new St. Mark's School. In 1988 he was involved in founding a second new school, Scoil Oilibhéir in Ballyvolane, where he is now Principal. In his career as Principal, he has seen the role develop from the days of - opening the school, calling the rolls and sending the monthly returns - to the very complex and legally onerous role imposed on Principals today.

Like the rest of us, Jim worked through all the changes, took on all the responsibilities, experienced the stresses and strains and waited for somebody to shout "Stop". There was no professional development, no time allowance for Teaching Principals, no in-service training in management and no support. He was instrumental in convincing the DES to formally recognise IPPN as a professional body with full status as an equal partner in education and impressed on them the absolute necessity of having a full time director to service the needs of this young, vibrant organisation.

During his stewardship IPPN has become a major influence in Irish education and has developed mutually respectful links with the DES,INTO, NAPD, NPC, CPSMA and other national and international educational bodies.


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