IPPN Questionnaire on Autistic Provision
- Published: 15 January 2006
A survey of principals with autistic pupils in mainstream schools was conducted in late 2005 to ascertain the current situation, the levels of support available and the areas of major concern.
To access the results of the questionnaire, which are presented as a comprehensive series of slides together with a voice-over by Principal and IPPN Executive Committee member Pat Goff, who takes you through the results slide by slide:
1. Visit: IPPN Learning+: http://moodle.accelicim.com/~ireland/login/index.php
(the web address for Learning Plus will shortly be updated, but the above will work for now)
2. Choose the link "Autism Units - An Information Briefing" This will bring
you to a login page.
3. There is NO username/password, BUT click on the button 'Login as a Guest'
4. Place the word "autism" as an 'Enrolment key'. Click on "Enrol me in this course"
5. That's it! There are a few parts to the briefing, but click on the link
"Main Presentation on Autism Survey" to see the main presentation.