
An Induction Day for Newly Appointed Principals

This day is designed to prepare new principals for the first week, month and year of their appointments. It is open to those appointed from 1st January 2017 onwards.

We would encourage all newly appointed principals’ in 2017 to attend if at all possible. This event is facilitated as part of your school’s membership of IPPN and does not present any additional charge for attendance to either your school or to yourself.

Who should attend?
Newly appointed Principals appointed from January 1st 2017 

When and where?
Wednesday, August 16th in Citywest Hotel, Dublin 

Draft Schedule:
9.30am – Registration 
10am – Session Starts 
3pm – Finish 

This event is facilitated as part of your school’s membership of IPPN and does not present any additional charge for attendance to either your school or to yourself.

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