Emily O'Reilly

Click Here to view Emily O'Reilly's address to Conference

Ms Emily O'Reilly was appointed Ireland's third Ombudsman on the 1st June, 2003 by the President of Ireland, Mrs Mary McAleese, on the nomination of both Houses of the Oireachtas (Dáil and Seanad). Prior to her appointment, Ms O'Reilly was a journalist and author and had been a political correspondent for various media outlets since 1989.

The new Ombudsman was also appointed Ireland's second Information Commissioner, under the Freedom of Information Act, 1997, on 1st June, 2003. In her role as Commissioner, Ms O'Reilly provides an independent review of decisions relating to the right of access of members of the public to records held by public bodies.

In addition, under the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations, S.I. 133 of 2007, Ms. O'Reilly, (as holder of the Office of Information Commissioner) was assigned the legally separate role of Commissioner for Environmental Information. Her role is to decide appeals taken by members of the public who are not satisfied with the outcome of their requests to public authorities for environmental information.

She is also an ex-officio member of the Standards in Public Office Commission, the Dáil Constituency Commission, the Commission for Public Service Appointments and the Referendum Commission.

Ms O'Reilly is a native of Tullamore, Co Offaly and is married with five children. She was educated at University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin and was the recipient of a Nieman Fellowship in Journalism at Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. In June 2008 she was elected Chairperson of the British and Irish Ombudsman Association. In December 2008 the National University of Ireland presented the Ombudsman with the honorary degree, Doctor of Laws, in recognition of her contribution to public service and to human rights.



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