DP Conference 2024 Photos
- Published: 13 February 2024
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2021 Deputy Principals’ Conference Terms & Conditions
- Published: 29 September 2021
Event Terms & Conditions
1 Participant Requirements
1.1. Access: Your registration entitles you to access to the IPPN online event for which you have registered.
1.2 Use of Likeness: By participating in IPPN’s online event, you acknowledge and agree to grant IPPN the right at online event to record, film, live stream, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to IPPN includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media.
1.3 Event Content. You acknowledge and agree that IPPN, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Event, including but not limited to, the Event name, themes, content, program, speakers, performers, hosts, moderators, venue, and time. IPPN content shall be recorded and will be accessible to paid Participants.
2. Event Registration Confirmation
2.1 Once you have completed your registration, you will receive your registration confirmation by email. Please ensure that your valid email is entered correctly on the registration form. Be sure to check your junk email box, in case any of your event email(s) are caught by spam filters.
2.2 You will receive essential information for registered attendees electronically at the email address that are provided on your registration form.
3 Fees and Registration
3.1 Payment. The payment of the applicable fee for the IPPN Event is due upon registration. If such payment is insufficient or declined for any reason, IPPN may refuse to allow you to access the event and shall have no liability in that regard.
4 Data Information
4.1 Personal information: Name, mobile and email address provided during the registration process will be shared with a third party Event Platform provider. Your details will be retained on the platform for the sole purpose of the registered and paid attendee accessing full event videos of speakers, programme and details of exhibitors for 12 months after the event.
4.2 Visibility on Platform: your name only will be visible on the platform as an attendee
4.3 You may receive information via ‘push notifications’ from our exhibitors during the event, however, they do not have access to your data unless you provide it them.
5 Sponsors
Your personal information will not be shared with sponsors.
2025 Deputy Principals’ Conference Terms & Conditions
- Published: 29 September 2021
Event Terms & Conditions
1 Participant Requirements
1.1. Access: Your registration entitles you to access to the IPPN online event for which you have registered.
1.2 Use of Likeness: By participating in IPPN’s online event, you acknowledge and agree to grant IPPN the right at online event to record, film, live stream, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to IPPN includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media.
1.3 Event Content. You acknowledge and agree that IPPN, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Event, including but not limited to, the Event name, themes, content, program, speakers, performers, hosts, moderators, venue, and time. IPPN content shall be recorded and will be accessible to paid Participants.
2. Event Registration Confirmation
2.1 Once you have completed your registration, you will receive your registration confirmation by email. Please ensure that your valid email is entered correctly on the registration form. Be sure to check your junk email box, in case any of your event email(s) are caught by spam filters.
2.2 You will receive essential information for registered attendees electronically at the email address that are provided on your registration form.
3 Fees and Registration
3.1 Payment. The payment of the applicable fee for the IPPN Event is due upon registration. If such payment is insufficient or declined for any reason, IPPN may refuse to allow you to access the event and shall have no liability in that regard.
4 Data Information
4.1 Personal information: Name, mobile and email address provided during the registration process will be shared with a third party Event Platform provider. Your details will be retained on the platform for the sole purpose of the registered and paid attendee accessing full event videos of speakers, programme and details of exhibitors for 12 months after the event.
4.2 Visibility on Platform: your name only will be visible on the platform as an attendee
4.3 You may receive information via ‘push notifications’ from our exhibitors during the event, however, they do not have access to your data unless you provide it them.
5 Sponsors
Your personal information will not be shared with sponsors.
6. Cancellation Policy
6.1 Cancellations can be sent by e-mail to online@ippn.ie up to Friday, January 17th
6.2 Cancellations will incur a fee of €52.40, which is 30% of the conference fee. Refunds cannot be made after this date under any circumstances
2021 - Deputy Principals Conference - FAQs
- Published: 29 September 2021
1. Is there sub-cover?
The Department of Education has not granted us sub-cover for the conference this year.
2. How does it cost to register for the event?
Registration fee is €60 for the full day event and access to the materials is for 12 months. Access to the event platform will only be provided once the registration fee is paid in full.
3. Can I change my choice of seminars?
You will be asked to select 2 of the 6 seminars. All seminar presentation/videos will be available 5 working days after the event ends.
5. Is the conference fee a legitimate BoM expense?
Yes, the conference is a continuous professional development event and is classed as a BoM expense.
6. Do we have to be an IPPN member to attend?
7. What happens if I’m unable to attend the event on the day?
All event materials i.e. recordings of keynote speakers and seminars, along with the delegate bag and exhibitor details, will be available on our event platform for 12 months.
8. Cancellations
Cancellations can be sent by e-mail only to jennifer.mccarthy@ippn.ie up to November 1st. Cancellations will incur a fee of €20, which is 30% of the conference fee. Refunds cannot be made after this date under any circumstances.
2021 Deputy Principals’ Conference
- Published: 29 September 2021
This year, IPPN will host our Annual Deputy Principals’ Conference on Thursday, November 11th. It is a one-day virtual event and will take place on a newly-designed event platform.
Keynote speakers include Norma Foley TD - Minister for Education, Dr Harold Hislop - Chief Inspector, Ciara O’Donnell - National Director of PDST, and Dr Harry Barry - author of insightful books on managing change, resilience, anxiety and stress.
The seminars will provide key information and provoke thinking on a range of topics relating to school leadership and management.
All keynotes & seminars will be recorded and will be available on the online platform a week after the event, enabling registered attendees to view any aspect they missed on the day.
Who should attend?
• Deputy Principals
• Principals (only if the Deputy Principal is registered)
Note: Substitute cover is unfortunately not provided for this event
Meet Our Sponsors - Click here to view our event sponsors
Keynote speakers
You will hear from IPPN CEO Páiric Clerkin, President Brian O’Doherty and Deputy President Louise Tobin, as well as:
- Norma Foley TD - Minister for Education
- Dr. Harold Hislop, Chief Inspector
- Ciara O’Donnell, National Director, PDST
- Dr. Harry Barry, GP & author of Toxic Stress
Click here to view more information on our keynote speakers
There will be two seminar sessions and you will have a choice of 6 seminar topics overall. All seminars will be recorded and available on the platform to registered attendees five working days after the event.
The topics covered during these seminars will be:
- An Plean Scoile – From Concept to Plan
- Co-Leadership – What Deputy Principals Think
- Ready, Set, Differentiate
- Difficult Conversations – going for the Win-Win
- Dignity and Respect in the School as a Workplace
- Proactive Coping and Caring for Yourself in Challenging Times
Click here to view more information on our seminars
The event fee is €60 per attendee - a charge of €1.55 applies to PayPal payments to cover administrative costs.
Frequently Asked QuestionsClick here to view some of our frequently asked questions
Event Sponsors
As part of the registration for this event we will be sending information to you from our event sponsors.