E-Scéal 152: Dail to Debate the crisis of Primary School Funding

Principals, teachers, parents and everyone involved in primary education will have a huge interest in the education debate in the Dáil this week.

The Labour Party's Private Members' Motion will be debated in the Dáil on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the opening speech to be made by the party's leader Eamon Gilmore.

The motion reads: 'That Dail Eireann notes with grave concern the serious financial crisis facing many primary schools and calls for the doubling of the capitation grant with effect from the school year 2008/2009.'

IPPN are pleased that the campaign to highlight the serious problem of funding in our schools has received the national and media attention it deserves and is to be discussed in the Dail. This campaign will continue until principals are satisfied that they can concentrate on the teaching and learning aspects of their role rather than worrying about fund-raising and paying the bills.

It is open to any member of the public to attend the debate in the Dáil. You might like to attend yourself or suggest to your Parent's Association, Board of Management, staff - or, indeed, parents and children - to attend. The debates will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at about 7.30 p.m.

Arrangements for admission to the public gallery must be made in advance either through your local T.D. or by contacting the following:
Cathy Flanagan, Campaigns Officer, Labour Party, Ph: 01.6784715, E: cathy.flanagan@labour.ie

A large attendance in the public gallery in the Dail will send a strong message on the importance of this issue for principals. Please encourage as many as possible to attend.

Is sinne le meas
Seán Cottrell & Larry Fleming  

IPPN Sponsors

