E-Scéal 154: DES consults Principals on Curriculum and SEN

The DES has invited IPPN to take part in a consultation process on two key issues. Because of IPPN's determination to accurately reflect the experience and opinions of school leaders, we invite you to submit your own views on these two topics.

Special Education Needs - A review of the general allocation model
Based on your school's experience in recent years please outline in simple bullet points the aspects of the GAM which you value and wish to continue and also the changes you would like to see in a revised version. Please refer to the DES letter which is available as a link below.

Putting the Primary Curriculum on a legislative basis
Up to now the curriculum in Primary Schools has been regulated by DES Circulars which advise on content, methodologies, time tables etc. The practice has been one which has given schools a lot of autonomy and freedom to adjust and balance the curriculum for the school context. The Education Act (Section 30) allows the Minister to place the curriculum within a legal framework which would have the effect of making it far more prescriptive and less flexible for schools. There may be advantages and disadvantages in both cases. There are particular implications for Gaelscoileanna and policy re. the timing of introducing the teaching of English. Equally so, it would have consequences for the teaching of other 'modern' languages which continue to be 'piloted' in some schools.

Both of these issues will have direct long-term implications not just for Principals but for everyone engaged in primary education. Please bring these issues to the attention of your teaching staff and, where possible, involve them in formulating your feedback to IPPN.

Please email your views and recommendations to info@ippn.ie Place the word 'CURRICULUM or 'SEN - GAM' in the subject line of your e-mail. It would be appreciated if you can keep your feedback as succinct as possible in bullet point format in order to facilitate the members of the IPPN Executive who will be collating your feedback.

Unfortunately, the Department have given us very short time-frames for submissions. Please prioritise the SEN - GAM feedback to be received Wednesday 9th April. Feedback on the Curriculum to be received by Wednesday 25th April. (Ed - please note the deadline date for Curriculum feedback was subsequntly extended to May 23rd)

SEN - Review of the General Allocation Model

Curriculum - Regulations to Prescribe the Primary Curriculum


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