E-Scéal 80: World Class Workshops for Irish School Leaders

Prof Michael Fullan Workshops take place in Cork, Galway and Dublin on May 9th, 10th & 12th respectively. Prof Fullan is an international expert on school leadership and managing educational change. Some comments from last year's participants:

  • 'Learned practical and positive leadership strategies'
  • 'I haven't learned so much in a day for a long, long time'
  • 'Gave me back some confidence in myself and confidence to deal with some problems in school'
  • 'Inspiring - you leave feeling 'Yes I can do some of this.'
  • 'Relevance in a time of great change in Irish education'
  • 'Superb day, brilliantly presented'

Following feedback from our membership survey last October, we have increased the number of Fullan Workshops from 2 to 3 and have changed their location to increase ease of access for the maximum number of Principals and Deputies.

Based on feedback from the Deputy Principals Seminar last year, it has been decided that Deputies would be invited to participate in the Michael Fullan workshops along with, or instead of their Principals. The idea that Principals and their Deputies engage in professional development together is considered better practice than separately organised training.

If you plan to attend one of these three workshops, please return your application form and cheque for €100 as soon as possible. Application forms are downloadable from the homepage of www.ippn.ie

Principals and/or Deputies wishing to attend must have the approval of their BoM / Chairperson. Unfortunately substitute cover is not available from the DES for these workshops.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Director
Irish Primary Principals' Network.


IPPN Sponsors

