E-Scéal 56: Summer Works Scheme & Temporary Accomodation

Four new circulars are currently on the DES Website. Two of these maybe of significant importance for your schools if you have a requirement for temporary accommodation or a need to carry out refurbishments under the Summer Works Scheme. For your information these circulars are:

  • PBU  01/04 Summer Works Scheme 2005 - Scheme of Capital Grants for Small Scale Works (SWS)
  • PBU  03/04 Application for Temporary Accommodation
  • PBU  04/04 Contingency Planning in the Context of a National Emergency - Management
    Authorities of Primary and Post-Primary Schools and Third Level Institutes (September)
  • 14/04 Arrangements for Parent/Teacher and Staff Meetings in 2004/2005 - (October, 2004)

These circulars can be downloaded from the DES website or from www.ippn.ie/DEScirculars2004.php

Meanwhile, given the short notice which applies to applications for the summer works scheme and temporary accommodation for September 2005, a brief analysis of PBU Circular 01/04 and 03/04 is outlined below.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

PBU circular 1/04

Summer Works 2005

Only One project is eligible per school. If a school applies for more than one it must identify most urgent project. Otherwise application will be disqualified.

Ineligible projects:

  • Desirable rather than absolutely necessary.
  • can't be completed over the summer
  • those covered by routine maintenance
  • those covered by devolved grant (minor works)
  • temporary accommodation projects
  • dust extraction, radon, asbestos remediation work
  • those already scheduled as part of a larger project.

Technical issues are to be completed by consultant. These fees are to be borne initially by the school. If the application is successful, then reasonable fees will be included in grant.


Closing date for SWS applications: Nov 5th 2004
Applications for temporary accommodation - PBU 3/04 Nov 5th 2004
List of successful schools: Jan 31st 2005
Confirmation to dept. that works are in hand within cost: April 29th 2005
Successful Schools must draw down 70% grant Aug. 31st 2005


How to obtain professional advice re technical report.

Appendix B
Priority categories. (Graded 1 to 10 : 1 dealing with gas works: 10 dealing with curriculum projects)

Appendix C
Grant details. If there is a shortfall you may
(i) cut back on the project
(ii) use some of your minor works grant or
(iii) use own funding.

Application form available on Dept. section on the government web site www.irlgov.ie


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