E-Scéal 54: National Survey of Principals

A hard copy of IPPN's national survey of principals was posted to your school today. The purpose of this survey is to enable each and every principal to present an accurate picture of their current situation as a school leader. Principals individually, and collectively through IPPN, are seriously concerned at the health & safety implications arising from the continuous increases in responsibility and volume of work expected.

Your responses and opinions will be collated and analysed thus allowing IPPN to honestly and accurately represent your views to the DES Working Group which is being established to address these issues.

Whilst this survey in itself will take 15-20 minutes of your time, I hope you will appreciate how important it is that you contribute your experience. Your own opinions and perspectives are essential to enable IPPN argue both the urgency and importance of addressing the current workload crisis.

Having studied the blue survey form which you received today, please complete the survey on-line as it reduces the time required in collating everyone's information. If you cannot use the on-line option please return the survey form to "Survey", IPPN, Glounthaune, Co. Cork by Friday October 1st.

Is Sinne Le Meas,
Virginia O' Mahony - President.
Seán Cottrell - Director


IPPN Sponsors

