E-Scéal 49: SEN Radio Interview, National Disabilities Authority & ADHD

RTE Morning Ireland

Morning Ireland yesterday contacted IPPN with a view to doing a feature on the ongoing SEN crisis. Henry Goff, Principal of St Senans' NS in Enniscorthy had been in contact with our Support Office providing an update on the latest information he had from the DES. Following IPPN suggestion, Morning Ireland interviewed Henry Goff at 7.20am Tuesday Morning. The full interview can be heard by clicking below. In order to hear this interview through the RTE website you must have a programme called RealPlayer on your PC. If you find you cannot access the sound file, please download RealPlayer (it's free) by clicking on the link below.

National Disabilities Authority (NDA)

The NDA has invited IPPN to nominate a representative principal sit on an Advisory Committee for the NDA's research project entitled: "A review of primary education for children with disabilities in Ireland." The NDA has commissioned academic staff from TCD to carry out this research and are in the process of appointing an advisory committee to oversee the work and advise the NDA in respect of the project. The committee will be multi-disciplinary including a primary principal teacher. If you feel that you have appropriate experience and interest in the area of children with disablities and would like to represent IPPN on this Advisory Committee please send an e-mail to IPPN Support Office with NDA in the subject line or telephone 1890 21 22 23 for further information.

IPPN has been invited to nominate a representative who will participate in an ADHD action / awareness group. This group is being established to raise public awareness and lobby relevant agencies on the need for improved understanding of ADHD and more appropriate therapies in its treatment. The group will meet in the Dublin area. I would like to hear from principals with specific experience of or interest in ADHD. If you would like to find our more about this please send an email with ADHD in the subject line to IPPN Support Office or contact me at 1890 21 22 23.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell,
Irish Primary Principals' Network.


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