E-Sceal 48: Issues/Concerns Arising from Circular 09/04 - SEN Resources

Recent correspondence from the DES led to several principals calling & e-mailing the IPPN Support Office last week with various concerns. Four members of our National Committee compiled the various issues into a single document which has been sent to Liam Hughes (and his colleagues) asking for written clarification to 27 issues arising from 09/04 - see letter below. Any information arising from a reply will be sent sent to you in due course.

Is mise le meas,
Seán Cottrell Director

Mr. Liam Hughes,
Principal Officer,
Special Education,
DES Athlone.

2nd July 2004


Attached please find a collated list of the concerns and questions that principals have submitted to IPPN since Circular 09/04 was issued. Approximately 350 principals have telephoned and/or e-mailed IPPN in the last four days.

From the perspective of principal teachers, Circular 09/04 and the subsequent letter sent to chairpersons of Boards of Management (why was this not sent to principals?) have not been helpful. Both documents have raised more questions than they have answered and in doing so have created a lot of anxiety and annoyance from teachers, principals and chairpersons alike. This is due to the lack of clarity in much of the information contained as well as the consistently vague language in which it is stated. This is an unnecessary waste of principals time and energy and could be easily avoided if there was adequate consultation with principals before such communications.

In the interest of fairness and respect for principals, who in the reality of school life, have to interpret these documents on behalf of their BoMs, staff and parents, I would appreciate if you would reply in writing to the concerns and questions in the attached document.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell,
Irish Primary Principals' Network.


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