E-Scéal 47: Implications for Principals Arising from Circular 09/04 - SEN Resources

The late arrival of the above circular as schools are just about to close for summer holidays is a cause of anxiety for principals and their school communities. The time frame referred to in the circular to implement the new SEN arrangements, does not allow for the professional consultation, planning and decision making which are required of principals.

BoMs, principals, teachers, resource / learning support teachers and parents need sufficient time to discuss the significance of this new 'weighted' system of SEN resource allocation. There will be several significant changes as a consequence of this new approach to resourcing schools for SEN. It is not good professional practice to make hasty decisions based on incomplete information and driven by tight deadlines during holiday periods. The careful management of change is critically important when the education of children with SEN is at stake and where the employment of staff is concerned.

Circular 09/04 states that it is intended to issue a further 'comprehensive circular' to schools 'for the commencement of the new school year'. It also states that applications for SNA support will be responded to 'in advance of the next school year'. This timeframe refers to official school holidays as standarised by the DES!

In our efforts to assist principals with many obvious concerns, IPPN has made contact with Mr. Liam Hughes of the Special Education section in Athlone, seeking answers to several key questions which arise from circular 09/04. I am still awaiting a response and therefore cannot provide any further information relating to your many queries.

Some schools have already completed their 183 day school year, the remainder will have closed by Wednesday June 30th.. In the interest of the Health & Safety of the Principal and the SEN support team, IPPN recommends that the implications of circular 09/04 and other circulars issued in July/August, be addressed at the beginning of the new school year in September. At that stage, all those affected by the new system will be present and available for appropriate consultation.

Is Mise Le Meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

